As the chaos from the day fades and we fall into REM sleep, we gain access to our subconscious thoughts, fears, patterns, and conditionings. How? Through our dreams. Access to our subconscious through dream journaling allows the liminal space to provide us with the insight we may miss in our waking hours. Tapping into the intuition of dreams is a gateway to higher states of consciousness. It’s important to take what you experience in the dream state, analyze it, and integrate it into your daily life.
What is a Dream Journal?
To tap into the energetics and magnify the healing properties of dream medicine, you must allow the conscious mind to merge with the subconscious. One of the easiest tools to use in your spiritual advancement to higher states of consciousness is dream journaling. It’s a rather simple process. All it requires is a journal (or a piece of paper), pen, and some of your time right when you wake up.
A dream journal is a diary that is kept to record your dream experiences. In our sleep, we travel to the astral realm, no longer bound by the physical laws of the 3rd dimension. Here is where we receive healing, clarity, and wisdom from our guides and our own inner knowing. Our dreams serve us with potent medicine to help us unlock our fullest potential and live our richest life in this earthly dimension. When you write down your dreams or what you remember from your dreams, you create space to analyze what your dreams mean.

Benefits of Keeping a Dream Journal
1. Keeping a dream journal will help you remember your dreams
How many times have you woken up from an amazing dream only to forget what you dreamt? It’s almost as if we forget our dreams within 15 minutes of waking up, making it more difficult to remember later in the day. Writing down your dreams as soon as you wake up will make it easier to remember your dreams later on. This also allows you to look back on past dreams and make connections.
2. Dreaming journaling helps you lucid dream
One of the main reasons people begin dream journaling is because it is said that it helps with lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming is where you are consciously aware of your dreams and in control of what happens in the dream. The lucid
3. Dream journaling is a gateway to the subconscious mind
Dreams are often said to be a mirror of the subconscious mind. When our conscious mind shuts off in our resting state, our subconscious has the space to run wild. If we are repressing feelings, thoughts, and emotions in our conscious life, our dreams will provide us with the important messages we need to hear. Journaling and reflecting on our dreams can help us make a connection between our subconscious and conscious mind.
How to Keep a Dream Journal
Step 1:
Before going to bed, especially after a difficult or stressful day, you will want to invoke healing dreams by saying, “my dreams will provide me with signs I may miss in my waking life.” When saying this invocation, dreams are usually incredibly vivid and full of signs (even if you don’t remember them)! Stating this invocation lets the mind know that you are open to receiving messages from your dreams.
Step 2:
Journal on your dreams the moment you wake up.
If you wake up in the middle of the night, grab your dream journal and begin writing. Write exactly what you remember. If you fall back asleep and wake up again in the morning, journal again. If writing out your dreams is too difficult for you, try sketching what you saw or experienced. For some, this process is easier and quicker to implement into a morning routine.
If you sleep soundly through the night, write the moment you wake up. When you start, your dream journal entries may be short. However, after a few weeks of this process, you will begin writing more as the routine of dream journaling is actually helping you remember more of your dreams. You may even begin to pick up on patterns appearing in your dreams while you’re journaling.
Step 3:
In order to merge the subconscious with the conscious and understand the depths of the messages you receive, it will require further journaling. Once you have a full week of dreams journaled, set some time aside to analyze your journal entries and dive deeper. Look back at the similarities in each of your dreams— what patterns repeated themselves? What signs are similar? Did any animals appear? If so, what is the symbolism behind that animal? What actions or events occurred that are out of the ordinary from your daily life? What mirrored an experience in your daily life? Let your intuition guide you in accessing more questions for further dream analysis as well as in receiving answers.
This practice is incredibly helpful if you suffer from nightmares or night terrors. You may even receive further messages to decode because of the fear and anxiety that is often associated with “bad dreams.”
Tonight set a pen and journal on your nightstand and invoke healing dreams. Upon waking up, begin to write. Get it all out onto paper and begin accessing your shadow and subconscious through dream medicine.
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